Unionized Workplace Civil Actions
Defamation & Conspiracy
Kuich v. Commissioner of NWT [1994] N.W.T.J. No. 14 (NWT S.Ct.) (De Weerdt J.) Maintained tortious conspiracy action against the defendant Commissioner even though unionized plaintiff also using the arbitration process (see also J. Vertes decision of July 1995); successful action for conspiracy & defamation re: false allegations of sexual harassment by group of unionized claimants (settled at trial)
B.N. v. University of Alberta (2003) (Action No. 0303 03060) (ongoing) Forced leave based on alleged mental disability; issues of criminal & civil liability; grievance / arbitration
Joshi v. Smoky River Coal Limited (1997) Civil action for defamation, conspiracy; breach of administrative fairness; challenged allegations of sexual harassment
Union Member Rights
Joseph v. AUPE, 2004 ABQB 977
Unions - Duty of fair representation of members
B.N. v. University of Alberta (2003) (Action No. 0303 03060) (ongoing) Forced leave based on alleged mental disability; issues of criminal & civil liability; grievance / arbitration
Joshi v. Smoky River Coal Limited (1997) Civil action for defamation, conspiracy; breach of administrative fairness; challenged allegations of sexual harassment
Union Member Rights
Joseph v. AUPE, 2004 ABQB 977
Unions - Duty of fair representation of members