Landmark Immigration CasesFelipe v M.E.I. [1994] Imm 5296-93 (F.C.T.D.)Judicial review challenging medical inadmissibility provisions being then s. 19(1)(a)(ii) Immigration Act on basis of violation of s. 15 Charter – applicant contracting breast cancer in Canada and being subject to removal
See also Turingan v M.E.I. (1993) 72 F.T.R. 316 (F.C.T.D.)(A.C.J. Jerome) Judicial review – judgment establishing the unique nature of foreign domestic worker program; duty of fairness S.M.A. v. Canadian Security Intelligence Service (2000) (SIRC) Successfully challenged CSIS’ allegations that client was a “terrorist"; SIRC (Review Committee) See also S.M.A. v. Minister of Citizenship & Immigration (Sept. 2000) Application for mandamus compelling Minister to land client; violation of section 7 Charter Rights Bernardez v M.C.I (1995) 101 F.T.R. 203 (F.C.T.D.) (A.C.J. Jerome) Judicial review granted re: exclusion order based upon unauthorized employment - duty of fairness - nanny in a powerless position vis a vis employer; compliance with employer’s directions to be viewed contextually; see also (1994) 27 Imm. L.R. (2d) 149 (F.C.T.D.) (A.C.J. Jerome) (interlocutory relief granted - stays - employer control over domestic worker) and stays in Encila v. M.C.I. [1996] F.C.J. No. 995 (F.C.T.D.) (Gibson J.) application for interim stay and work permit; Caletena v. Canada (1994) 74 F.T.R. 78 - interim stay and work authorization granted - unique nature of foreign domestic worker program confirmed More Immigration Cases Jarrar v M.C.I (2016) (IAD) Residency appeal successful |
Immigration /Judicial Reviews / Administrative Law
Over the years we have litigated many cases against the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration with successful results for our clients
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