Other Cases
Shirish handled a number of other civil actions, especially in the personal injury area. Some include
Pande v. Kurian (2007) (Action No. 060310849)
Pedestrian struck by car; issues of liability – negotiated significant settlement
Soriano, Public Trustee et. al. v. Teirle (2004) (Action No: 0403 16165) Fatal Accidents action;
26 year old pedestrian struck and killed; economic loss to estate
D. Settlement (1989)
Loss of long term memory post accident; victim unable to recall personal relationship with wife; liability & quantum issues resolved with significant award
Pande v. Kurian (2007) (Action No. 060310849)
Pedestrian struck by car; issues of liability – negotiated significant settlement
Soriano, Public Trustee et. al. v. Teirle (2004) (Action No: 0403 16165) Fatal Accidents action;
26 year old pedestrian struck and killed; economic loss to estate
D. Settlement (1989)
Loss of long term memory post accident; victim unable to recall personal relationship with wife; liability & quantum issues resolved with significant award