Chairperson, Canadian Human Rights Tribunal
Adjudicated national human rights cases and implemented Access to Justice for Canadians (2009 to 2012)
Chair, Immigration Section, Canadian Bar Association, North (2000 - 2002)
Vice-Chair (1998 – 2000) Executive Member (2006 – 2008) Member to
2009 (Then became Chairperson Canadian Human Rights Tribunal to 2012)
Elected Bencher, Law Society of Alberta, 2008 to 2009
Ms. Chotalia was elected to sit on the governance body of Alberta lawyers, where she served until she was appointed Chairperson, Canadian Human Rights Tribunal. As a "Bencher" of the Law Society, she was also involved with access to justice issues and facilitated the First First Nation Bar Admission on the First Nation reserve of Hobbema, Alberta. See page 6 of the Advisory.
Special Advocate, Canada, 2008 -2013
She was appointed to represesent Named Persons in Terrorism cases based on her experience with terrorism, human rights and immigration law.
Professional and International Organizations
Ms. Chotalia has a long history as a Member and Executive Committee Member of various committees of the Canadian Bar Association. As Chairperson, Canadian Human Rights Tribunal, she engaged the CBA, OBA and other provincial CBA sections as a frequent speaker and in Stakeholder consultations regarding Access to Justice. Eg: Nova Scotia Labour and Employment, Constitutional and Human Rights subsections, Manitoba Bar Association - ADR Subsection. She was Vice-Chair, Committee 19, Human Rights Committee, and Committee 11, Discrimination and Gender Equality Committee (1997-2002)
Northern Director -Alberta Civil Liberties Association, (1994 - 1998)
Ms. Chotalia has a long history with the Alberta Civil Liberties Association, both as an executive member and Legal Counsel, performing pro bono litigation.
Western Canada Convenor, Canada India Foundation, 2008-2009
Canada School of Public Service - Board of Governors Member, (2008 -2009); Selection Advisory Board Member (2007-2008); Member of C.B.A. National Advisory Committee to the Standing Gender on Equality Committee, (1997 -1998) C.B.A Committee on Equality (Oct 1996 - Dec 1998) Co-Chair, Alberta C.B.A. representative on the Law Society of Alberta, Equal Opportunities Committee (Oct 1996 - Dec 1998) Law Society of Alberta, Bertha Wilson's Gender Task Force, Canadian Bar Association (1992 to 1994)
Chair of Privacy Committee, Freedom of Information and Privacy Assoc. of Alberta, Oct 1993
Criminal Trial Lawyers Assoc., Member, 1989 - 1994
Adjudicated national human rights cases and implemented Access to Justice for Canadians (2009 to 2012)
Chair, Immigration Section, Canadian Bar Association, North (2000 - 2002)
Vice-Chair (1998 – 2000) Executive Member (2006 – 2008) Member to
2009 (Then became Chairperson Canadian Human Rights Tribunal to 2012)
Elected Bencher, Law Society of Alberta, 2008 to 2009
Ms. Chotalia was elected to sit on the governance body of Alberta lawyers, where she served until she was appointed Chairperson, Canadian Human Rights Tribunal. As a "Bencher" of the Law Society, she was also involved with access to justice issues and facilitated the First First Nation Bar Admission on the First Nation reserve of Hobbema, Alberta. See page 6 of the Advisory.
Special Advocate, Canada, 2008 -2013
She was appointed to represesent Named Persons in Terrorism cases based on her experience with terrorism, human rights and immigration law.
Professional and International Organizations
Ms. Chotalia has a long history as a Member and Executive Committee Member of various committees of the Canadian Bar Association. As Chairperson, Canadian Human Rights Tribunal, she engaged the CBA, OBA and other provincial CBA sections as a frequent speaker and in Stakeholder consultations regarding Access to Justice. Eg: Nova Scotia Labour and Employment, Constitutional and Human Rights subsections, Manitoba Bar Association - ADR Subsection. She was Vice-Chair, Committee 19, Human Rights Committee, and Committee 11, Discrimination and Gender Equality Committee (1997-2002)
Northern Director -Alberta Civil Liberties Association, (1994 - 1998)
Ms. Chotalia has a long history with the Alberta Civil Liberties Association, both as an executive member and Legal Counsel, performing pro bono litigation.
Western Canada Convenor, Canada India Foundation, 2008-2009
Canada School of Public Service - Board of Governors Member, (2008 -2009); Selection Advisory Board Member (2007-2008); Member of C.B.A. National Advisory Committee to the Standing Gender on Equality Committee, (1997 -1998) C.B.A Committee on Equality (Oct 1996 - Dec 1998) Co-Chair, Alberta C.B.A. representative on the Law Society of Alberta, Equal Opportunities Committee (Oct 1996 - Dec 1998) Law Society of Alberta, Bertha Wilson's Gender Task Force, Canadian Bar Association (1992 to 1994)
Chair of Privacy Committee, Freedom of Information and Privacy Assoc. of Alberta, Oct 1993
Criminal Trial Lawyers Assoc., Member, 1989 - 1994
Contact Ms. Chotalia, Q.C., An Experienced Edmonton Immigration Lawyer
PHONE HER: 780-421-0861 EMAIL HER AT: [email protected]